As has been pointed out, more than half of the thyroidal exposure in the
Marshallese was due to the more energetic and destructive short-lived isotopes
of iodine. Hené¢e the use of risk data for 131) exposure will give considerably lower estimates for hypothyroidism than would be expected for the
Marshallese subjects.
Several other explanations may contribute to the discrepancy between the
observed and predicted number of hypothyroid patients.

The estimates of

thyroidal exposure, particulary that due to the short-lived isotopes of iodine, is only approximate for the reasons already discussed and could have

been underestimated.
Second, the hypothyroidism from which the risk estimates
were derived was based largely on clinical evidence of hypothyroidism, whereas
the present study has employed sensitive biochemical techniques not generally

used in previous studies. A third consideration is that the early and severe
thyroid dysfunction occurred in individuals exposed as very young children
whereas the risk estimates are based almost exclusively on data obtained in
adults with hyperthyroidism. The radiosensitivity of the young thyroid, at
least for neoplastic changes, is greater than that in older patients (193).
It is apparent that the true prevalence of hypothyroidism is not definable in
this population because of thyroid surgery in many of the patients at highest

From the results in Table 8 one must consider the possibility that an elevation in TSH could have contributed to the development of the early thyroid

nodularity. Such a possibility justifies the prophylactic administration of
T, in the exposed Rongelap and Ailingnae population even in the absence of
clinical symptoms or signs of thyroid dysfunction. This conclusion is also
supported by the well-recognized relationship between irradiation, elevated
TSH, and thyroid carcinoma found in animal studies (142,144) though no such relationship has been reported in man.
The latent period between exposure and development of thyroid nodules appears to be longer in the groups receiving lower thyroid doses (see Figure 3).
In view of the small number of cases, however, this possible association is

only suggestive.

The later development of thyroid hypofunction in those

Rongelap people receiving lower doses would seem to be a reasonable expecta-

tion because, with less cell damage and with failure of cellular replacement
less critical, it would take longer for accumulative cell deficit (loss at
mitosis) to result in recognizable hypofunction.
The data of Table 9 are contrary to expectations in several respects.

The risk of thyroid cancer is lower in both Rongelap and Utirik in the younger
age groups (<10 years at irradiation) than in the older populations.

This is

quite surprising as most evidence suggests that not only thyroid carcinoma but
also leukemia and carcinogenesis generally are more likely induced in children
than adults-(99). De Lawter and Winship (150), for example, in a long-term
follow-up of adults with Graves' disease who were treated with x rays, found
no thyroid cancers, whereas at a rate of 3 per 106 person-years per rad,

33 cases would have been expected.


The other peculiarity is the high rate of

carcinoma in the older groups (risk of 5.5 thyroid cancers/10° person-years/

rad in the Rongelap group). Finally, the induction of myedema with a thyroid
dose of 1150 rads in two children is surely unexpected, as is the overall rate
of hypothyroidism of 9% in the total Rongelap group. Since all of the numbers
involved are small, the absolute risk figures have a high probable error.
Nonetheless, it is possible to explain these data if we assume the estimates


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