. $-— . . — -----— . 1. ~trc$uct im body “dosesto childrenwere not consideredse~=ratelybecause L?zmst cases the doses ~reaictecfor acults are usually a good est~te douseto children. to both aaul~s . ~0~ ~x=:le> =a c~~l~re~. of the the external g~a contributessizilarly 137 CS contributeGver %6 =~~~~~~~-90 and . d~ferentiaticn ket.~eenchild and adult integrateddoses was not’included in the tables. of the zagnitudeof so~e of the 30-yr integralbone dcses, it . was decided that annual bane doses shculd be evaluatedto indicatethe Because situationswhich aue within 7RC guides living patt”erns&n& agricult’u.zzal for annual bcne doses. The mre detailed assessmentof bone doses is directed at esttittig the dose”to the critical ceU populationat risk . .