W. J. Bair
April 5, 1979
Page 2

of diet data. Dose calculations for ages other than adults are not
Such calculations might possibly be made
included in the estimate.
by hand, if data were available, for a limited number of cases.

Doses would be calculated for the first year of chronic intake of
air, water, and food and as an accumulated 30 (or 70) year dose
from 30 (70) years exposure to a decaying source. Organs of interest
would be whole body, lung and bone. Others could be added at minimal


In addition to the four nuclides you requested (Sr-90, CS-137, Pu-239
and Am-241) several others could be added, if data were available,
at minimal cost.


Under the time and cost constraints, we could not verify the accuracy
or reasonableness of the input data received from LLL, nor could we
verify that all important pathways of exposure had been identified.

If you have any questions on the calculations before you leave, call Joe Soldat
on 942-4116 (work) or 943-4123 (home), or from Washington, DC (FTS: 444-4116).
Ed Watson may not be in town next week.


Select target paragraph3