UNITED STATES ATONIC ENERGY COMMISE70: Washington December 23, 1947 MEMORANDUL FOR THE AIR COORDINATING COMMITTEE Attention: Subject: Mr. McCrary, Secretary, Technical Division Danger Area in the Vicinity of Eniwetok Atoll. On December 2, 1947 the United States Government notified the Security Council of the "United Nations that effective Decenber 1, 197 Eniwetok Atoll and ite territorial weters were closed. The action was taken by the State Department upon the request of the Atomic Energy Comui esion. The State Devartzent, again acting upon the request of the Atoric Energy Commission, is notifying all foreign governzents thlet, asa consequence of tests of military weapons, grzve hazards will exist in the area descrived below, after January 31 anc throughout the calender year 1948. The Atomic Energy Commission is taking, action to make a public release to the effect that a danger area exists in the area described below. Action is also being taken to request the Chief of Naval Operations to publish the necessary notice to mariners. The Commander, Joint Task Force Seven iseoine action to notify all ne Jor commands in the Pacific, Alaska and Far East. tis requested that action be taxen to warn all military and commercial air agencies through appropriete notices to airmen. Effective date of establishzent of the denser zone is January 31, 1948 and will continue through the calendar year 1945. The area affected is described as follovs: "Derinning with a point et 10° - 15! North latitude and 1500 - 35! Bast lonritude, north elonz the meridian CG we of 160° - 35' East longitude to a point at 12° - Ss! North latitude, 150° - 35! % longitude thence Fast alons the parallel of 129 - 5: North latitude to a point at 120 — )st North latitude and 163° - 55! East loncitude, thence south alone the meridian of 153° - 55! test longitude to a point at 10° - 15! North letitude end 163° - thence west to the point of beginning.” 55! Fast longitude, BY D. £ 2."GILSON, i DATE aQa“aah Encl. J | ON