a ' UNITED STATES Dos ' NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C, 20555 _ . ey | ne _ 4 . fo, " September 26, 1978 we Oo 401257 OFFICE OF THE A SECRETARY \ a 3 = $ ( St. Louis, Missouri 63116 # Dear & As you know, your letter of July 20, 1978 to the President Satish Sak oe ASOT aeiS ) p a was referred by the Department of Justice to us for a more detailed reply. Unfortunately, after carefully reviewing your letter, we find that we are not the agency with responsibility for this particular matter. Accordingly, we are taking the liberty of reforwarding a copy of your letter to the Department of Energy. We know that you can expect a prompt and detailed reply from that Department's officials. Sincerely, | —ThimarfeCpr Thomas R. Combs, Chief Correspondence and Records Branch a Ms. Frances Hooks U.S. Department of Energy PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED 30199 Wn 50093 74