social changes and pressures, and it is not my belief

that the only force or the only stress on these people is
the effects of the atomic bombing.
I think it is a major
cause however.

These are my initial reactions.
which I make are as follows:

The recommendations

All slides on the tissue removed from the thyroids
of the Marshallese and retained at Tripler, or
Guam, or Cleveland General Hospital or Brookhaven

should be examined by a single pathologist of
your choice and one skillful in the recognition
of thyroid cancer.
I do not mean this as a
reflection on the integrity or skill of the
pathologists who examined the tissue intially,
but I do recommend verification of the benig¢n
nature of the tumors as reported.
It would be highly desirable to collect firm
health statistics independent of any prior
statistics taken by the Trust Treaty or AEC
I am not ‘certain what criteria
were used in the collection of former statistics,
and I am not certain as to whether doctors were

sent, and I certainly am not at all satisfied

that a vigorous search has been mace in respect
to cataracts or other complaints that these

people have.

I would think that such medical

investigation would should be done on a number

of different islands.
I recommend a consultation with a geneticist,

to examine the chromosomal pattern of a number
of Marshallese Islanders.
I recommend a horticultural expert who should

study the effects of the radiation on the vegetable
foodstuffs and a marine biologist to consider
the question of concentration of radioisotopes
in the bodies of the larger fish.

That some of

these studies have been done before should not
discourage similar studies by experts of your

Select target paragraph3