The Honorable Peter Coleman

18 October 1976

James L.-Liverman ,

Page Two

and several other radionuclides in some of the Bikini and Rongelap residents
is not considered to present a hazard.
Low levels of these isotopes are
found in people all over the world, including New York City. The pathways
involved in the internal absorption of the isotopes are being investigated,
ERDA would continue to be responsible for treatment of radiationrelated diseases that develop in the exposed people of Rongelap and Utirik.
This includes specialized examination and treatment when necessary in
hospitals outside the Trust Territory. All other treatment of individuals
living on Rongelap, Utirik, Bikini and Eniwetok that cannot be accomplished
by the examining medical team will continue to be the responsibility of the
Trust Territory.
We would like to propose a meeting in the near future, perhaps by early
December, at Majuro, Ebeye or possibly Honolulu with representatives of
Utirik, Rongelap, Bikini and Eniwetok (perhaps the magistrate and a Council
member from each atoll) and representatives of the Congress of Micronesia,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, ERDA, Department of Interior, and the Trust
Territory. We believe that such a meeting could result in agreements which
would allow the médical examinations to proceed unhampered. We would
appreciate hearing from you about these proposals at your earliest


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F, Zeder,,

Dept of Interior





Mr. O. DeBrum, Distadict Marshalls, Bet. Wa xvred!




Dr. M. Kumangai, Director Health Serv., T.T., Sarpan , Ha Ana yo. %


Congressman Ataji Balos, Congress of Micronesia, Mayuve) Hy ,F 6969
Congressman Charles Domnick, Congress of Micronesia, Haye," ) Tepeo

Dr. R.A. Conard, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Senate Amata Koebor, Majvro,H.t. Fb %Lo
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Cevgne samen John HAQSLE LAH Congrnas ot M bronesiw, Sat por
y Marion A, Ces °

Dr Gaze Rigo W, Die, Weedkh Sec uicenMET AbToo

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