DUNGY ET AL. : SAN FRANCISCO: NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN ' an ‘: Ye dé HAWAII hit ; yo ai MANILA 4 wy: we Bt er 1441 Mi 600 Mi PHILIPPINE 1S. , GUAM o Vat = eS. CaernM GUINEM AS at DARWIN$< @s AD ) . A JOHNSTON {IS qaz KWAJALEIN qh wN Fic. 1. The Pacific Ocean with dis- tances to the Marshall Islands repre- 4 xn o a ae “TOKYO le 2 sented by the distance to Kwajalein . atoll. EQUATOR SOUTH P ACIFIC OCEAN 0STRUSTHALIA'S.7S particularly amongchildren residing on Rongelap who were less than 10 years of age at the time of their exposure. One case of acute myeloblastic leukemia, occurring in a 19-year-old @male who was one year of age in 1954, had been diagnosed in 29 years of medical surveillance.® There has been no evidence of an increase in birth defects in children of exposed gelap and 14 rads of whole body gammaradiation on Uuirik, have been well described by Conard et al.' While all survived the acute effects, the major findings in the Rongelap group were “‘beta”’ skin burns with epilation, transient depression of the blood count, and internal absorption of radionuclides.” No acute findings were documentedin the Utirik group. Medical evaluation in the ensuing years revealed a high incidence of thyroid nodule formation and thyroid hypofunction with parents and mutantproteins have not been uncovered.’ Medical monitoringof the children and grandchildren of exposed persons continues. The Brookhaven National Laboratory medical team, transient growth retardation.>~> Due to the internal- ization of radioactive iodines, these findings were found REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS BIKAR ENEWETAK —.,, UJELANG « TAONGI e WOTHO UJAE W% py UTIRIK o * LIKIEP .MEeUtT TUE : KWAJALEIN “@-.WO cE} We 7, FIG. 2. The Republic of the Marshall Islands. ~~ Fw AUR UB. aw NAMU:: ©. JABWOT AILINGLAPALAP «= KIL 4,“JALUIT NAMORIK* ‘ nw EBON = 30 Vol. 23 No. 1 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS