All samples were oven-dried, ground and a portion compressed in polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) pipe 2 inches in diameter and either }"or 1" inch deep that was
used as a sample holder for radionuclide measurement. Fifty grams of tissue or
68 grams of soil could be compressed into the 2" x 1" container, The density
of the biological and soil samples was 1.0 and 1.35, respectively. These

samples were then analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides,

The gamma-emitting radionuclides in the samples counted on the Nal crystal
were determined by a method of least squares. The radionuclides values in the
samples counted on the Ge (Li) detector were calculated by hand or with a computer by adding the counts in five channels under a peak in the spectrum,subtracting the appropriate background counts, and applying correction factors
to convert counts to picocuries (pCi). A set of previously reported reference
spectra for the different geometries and radionuclides were used. All values
were corrected for decay to the date of collection.

Tron-55, Strontium-90 and Plutonium Analyses
pol vent extraction, electrodeposition, and X-ray spectrometry were used

for >°Fe determinations, To measure 90sr content, 9DY was chemically separated
from 90Sr, collected on a filter paper and counted with a low-level beta counting


Plutonium was extracted by ion exchange, electroplated on platinum

discs, and analyzed by alpha spectrometry with systems using surface barrier
alpha detectors and pulse-height analyzers, Chemical yield was determined by

use of 242Pu as a tracer.

Error Limits
For a single sample the error given for all radionuclides listed, except

Sr, 55Fe and 239,240pu, are two-sigma, propagated, counting errors.


error values for 20sr, 55Fe, and Pu includes the two-sigma counting error and
an analytical error, The error term for more than one sample is one standard

deviation and disregards counting error.

Limits of Detection

Many factors influence the limit of detection, including the type of detector and analyzer, the presence of other radionuclides, the duration of the
counting period, the size and density of the sample, and the geometry relationship of the sample and detector. Hence, the limits of detection varied consid-

erably for various radionuclides and types of samples, but can be summarized
by stating that the detection limits were approximately as follows:
By gamma detection



2.1 pCi/g or less


VOema esp e5 Tey TP Ey 29785 ,255y, Alan

By beta detection



0.12 pCi/g or less

0.2 pCi/g or less

Select target paragraph3