were exposed to the fallout, there is a much higher incidence of thyroid

cancer in those people.

I think there were 7 in 1977, I don't know how

many there are now.

There were 7 cases of thyroid cancer.


There were 7 cases of thyroid cancer in 239 Marshallese in 1977.


don't know how many have occurred since then.

In our records, I think we have, I feel we have heard about 460 or

so cases of thyroid abnormality in our population over this period; and, so
we think that our population is now something around 32,000.

So, that

seems to be much different than what you said, well actually Marshallese
population differs in no degree from say Yap in an incidence of thyroid

My number was only thyroid cancers.

thyroid abnormalities.

That is much different than the

There is no relationship that scientists know about.

now between nodules and cancers.

They appear to be independent.


populations around the world have different numbers of thyroid
abnormalities but their incidence of cancer is not that different, is not


It is fairly uniform.

No, I was speaking about thyroid operations.

thyroid operations.

There have been 460

In Japanese records of the time that they. were in the

Marshall Islands, we've checked those, and the number of incidences of
thyroid disorders during that time was not near what it has been now in

this recent time in our records.

That is probably because you are more concerned about thyroid

abnormalities and so you are looking harder for them.

And when you Took

harder for something you find more of them.

Well, I have not conducted any vast research in this subject so

it's not because of my interest or lack of interest that these figures seem
to be this way, but thank you for your reply.



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