
Does that mean that all missiles that are shot into our

lagoon at Kwajalein have no radioactive elements in them, products?

I cannot say that.

I think that is true for at least, that if there

is any radioactivity, it is minimal.

It might be, my watch is radioactive,

there might be some radioactivity in some components but there are no

atomic warheads.

There are no atomic bombs in those missiles.

no atomic explosions having to do with those.

There are

And, I am quite, I am

confident that there is no significant introduction of radioactivity into
the Kwajalein lagoon from those but I, again, would say that the question

- Should be addressed to the people that are doing it and if there is some
further question about that I will] be glad to carry that question back to
the Army and see that it gets answered.

Oh, I felt this was an appropriate question to address to you

because I felt that anything having to do with weaponry, this kind of
thing, you would be familiar with.

This is something that scientists

manufacture or their knowledge goes into making these, these explosives and
so forth. And so, I thought that you would know about this, and as I have
observed, those that have entered the lagoon, there is quite an explosion

I mean there are rocks and stuff that go up into the air and I

thought you would be informed about this and could answer my question.

Well, I'm personally am informed but in the same way that you are,

from what appears in the press and from what we read in the paper, hear on
the radio.

And I would not like to be considered an authority on what the

Army is doing there.

I will say with a high confidence, that I'm

absolutely certain that the Army is not sending atomic weapons into
Kwajalein lagoon.

What they are sending, I don't know.

I don't know the

composition of it, but if they were using atomic energy bombs, we would
know it and we would be involved.

Since they are not doing it, we are not

knowledgeable and we are not involved.


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