not the word), seems like you quickly began testing in our area before you

knew what was going to happen.

We wish that you would have had some way in

knowing this before you came and did it in our area.

What would have been

the environmental effects.

Well, I find it, I find it hard to explain the actions of President

Truman and the United States government leadership in the decisions that
were taken in the 1940s and later.

However, at least the history tells us

that there were very serious threats to the security of the world that the
United States was attempting to deal with.


It would take a long time and much:study to judge whether this was

the ‘best place or the only place or the ideal place to do this work.

In my

opinion there is not serious question about the fact that at that time in
the perception of the United States government leaders it needed to be

done.. To have had a complete understanding of the environmental effects
ahead of time, would have taken many years, and I believe that at that time
the leadership of the United States and the rest of the free world believed
that there was not that much time available.

The extent and degree of

risk, the extent and degree of lasting effects, I'm sure were not well
enough understood then.

I am also sure that the men who made the decisions

thought they did not have the time to evaluate that before we, the world
would have been in much worse trouble.

Any pending questions?


The motion on the floor is that we probably have lunch, first.

Alright, I will second that.

Male Person:

All in favor, probably.


We are ready to entertain additional questions.



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