
Micronesian Legal Services, Ted Mitchell, offered to do a survey and

advise us on behalf of the people of Enewetak what they thought their diet

would be and asked us to use that diet in doing calculations for Enewetak.
That diet then, that diet study was not one done by us, it was done in
behalf of the people of Enewetak by their council.
’ Senator John:

I would like to speak on behalf of that information which we

have just heard which indicates that the assumptions and data are based on
something done by our lawyer named Ted Mitchell.

(and) I have no

confidence in that man and besides I don't believe he came to me in any

I can't really trust his data.

If he provides you that data and

IT know that man and I can say that I would not trust that information.

And I accept that as what you say, Senator.

I was simply explaining,

"What is the Ujelang diet that we have been talking about?"
something called an Ujelang diet?

Why do we have

We requested that the people of Enewetak

cooperate with their attorneys to provide us that and that became the
Ujelang diet.

Whether it is good or bad I don't argue, but that's. where it

came from, for the benefit of others here.


This is what has caused confusion then, because...

All right, but may I continue though?

Senator John:

I would like to just further say that that man, Ted

Mitchell, was a lawyer and not a scientist.

So it seems strange that

scientists would use data provided by a lawyer.


We understand.

And for, as a matter of information it was Mike

Pritchard rather than Ted Mitchell who did this, but that is neither here
nor there.

Mike Pritchard, also a lawyer, went to live with the people for

a period of time that he felt was satisfactory.

We had no choice but to

accept what the people's council told us should be used.

Now, I want to

get on to the other diet, though, and how we progressed to what we have

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