Chapter Eighe


Reevaluating Kilt
The islanders’ impending return to Bikini has caused some

to reappraise Kili and the Jaluic lands. They are uncertam chat
they want to return to the remote atoll and indicate chat they
may prefer to remain on Kili. The latter alternative would be

particularly attractive if che majority of people return to Bikini
and leave Kili’s copra resources for a relatively few. Younger is
landers who have been born andraised on Kili are not familiar

with lapoon fishing, sailing, or life on an atoll and some express
reservations about abandoning the only home they have ever
Regardless of the ambivalence of some, all of the islanders

want to maintain possession of Kili and the Jaluit lands. With
regard go the former, they strongly believe that they have nade
too great an investment in the island to consider relinquishing it,

and for all of its disadvantages, its coconut groves are admittedly
of great value. While no actual use is being made of the Jaluic

lands, the people’s desire to keep themis just another reflection

of their generalized concern over land.
Whether or not the Bikinians will recain Kili and the Jadure
lands is uncertain. The 1956 agreement with the United States

provided the islanders with only full-use rights co che land until
they are returned co Bikini (sce Appendix). The administration
has remained silent on the issue, and it appears that the future

disposition of Kili and the Jaluit lands will be determined through

The return of Bikini to the people, the possibility of keep
ing Kili and the Jaluic lands, and the hope chat further financtal
compensation may be forthcoming has roused the interests of

those islanders who have long been absent from the community.
ing was not completed in time. Other factors contributing to the delay are
unknown, and as this study goes to press no ficm date for the Bikinians' re
turn to their atoll has been set.
6 As in earlier years, negotiations with Americans are conducted through interpreters, a procedure with great potential for misunderstanding. A few
younger Bikinians have acquired a fair command of English through the

school system, but very few individuals over thirty years of age are fluent

in the foreign language.

Return co Orkut



Showly alter the L968 Presidential announcement, same
expatiiites bepan to reestablish chem tes hy recuining to
relatives on Kili, and chus helped increase che number of
on Kali co 34d. Despite the return of some, che number
tives on other atolls had continued to increase toa total

ol che
at icha
od 196

by new buths and additional marriages to other islanders. “thus,

by 1969 the total number of individuals who could clam: some
right to Bikini had risen to 540, more than twice che number in
1946 (see Tables 3.1 to 3.4, pages 39 42),
The trend has continued: more expateiates, Cher descoudants,

and their relatives have joined che community on Kali, and in
1973, the ishind’s population numbered aver 100,

The Paramount Chief
Predictably, the return of Bikini has rekindled the Par mount

chtel’s interest in che atoll,

He never accepted the Americans’ of

fer of Tinancial compensation for dis loss of Bikini, and am cecus
of Matshatlese tradition and the policies of the successive cobontad
povermments dn the ishands, lie can claim thatthe atoll is ad pie
Inate part of his domain, ‘Vo date, che chief has remained i the
backpround and has made no demands for restoration of lia. tor:
mer riphts. He is, however, attempang to pather support rom
among the expatriates, particularly those who setded on Aihop
lablab Atoll, While che extent of his success is uncertain, its
known that some of the expatriates who have jotned che coun
nity on Kili include members of the Ailinghiblab group. ‘They are
currently atrem pring to perstade others tu HCCCDE

paratroune chief's hegemony over them.

GHEE api the

Having ended their subordinate status to the chief, aoa. ces
tam that the majority of Bikinians will reject his efforts to cepuuin
his former position, Vhe chief has litde to offer them, and chepeople view him as a potential drain on their resources. They

have cast thgir lot with the United States.

Recent ‘political developments, however may threaten Wiki

nians’ depentlence upon the United Seates. In response to pres
sures from che United Nations and growing Micronesian criticisms
of che American administration of the Trust Territory, tn 1909

Select target paragraph3