urine activity concentration.to body burden. Equation 3 ves obtained by
integrating Eq. (2).

Equations (1) and (2) were used to determine the instantaneous fraction of“.
atoms removed or added to the stom uptake per unit time, ke and then the ini-

tial daily activity ingestion rate required to produce the measured:or derived
body burden.

Equation (3) was used to determine the number of disintegrations

that occurred in the’ bodyduring the residenceinterval ‘ofanindividual living
on Rongelap or Utirik Atoll.


If the mean residence time in the diet is wuch auch longer then the resii lhM

dence interval, then constéiitcontinuous“uptakeieachieved. Helepton (1) and



(2) can be converted fo: thg-sonstant gontinuous sauartons by “plein
Ke with

Single uptake-expressions are obtained by setting ¥ equal,takgero,


some cases only radioactive decay may remove the nuclide trom/dintsy items; for -

these cases K, would equal sero.

In the case of the fo


the maturing of coconut trees during residence on Bikini Atsltcaused acon

tinuously increasing dietary uptake of 1375

tive value.

Thus, mybag fopnil! to have a uege-.


In the case of Ronge lap and’ Utirik, Ky was found to have a positive

value for 13708, 6525, 60-,, and 905,

This indicated that in addition to

radioactive decay, some other removal mechanism decreased the radipactivity in
dietary items during the residence interval.

Yor the nuclide 5p, only one meas

surement was published by the BNL Medical Program (Be72); thus an estimate of Ke
was not possible.

K, was determined by using Eq. (1) or (2) and the population subgroup mean
body burden or urine activity concentration.

Portions of these bioassay data

are illustrated for adult males and females in Figures 2 to 6.

Two consecutive

urine or body burden data points were used to eliminate the unknown ingestion

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