R. A. Conard

whoseefforts contributed to the successful completion of the survey. Particular
gratitude is expressed to Dr. C. L. Dunham and his staff of the Division of
Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. L. E. Farr and
many others at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Department of the
Navy and Trust Territory officials for their enthusiastic support.
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Operation Castle Addendum Report 4.1A

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SINSKEY, R. M., 1955, Amer. ¥. Ophthal., 39, 285.
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Uuricu, H., 1946, New Engl. ¥. Med., 234, 45.
WARREN, SHIELDS, 1956, 7. Amer. med. Assc., 162, 465.



You said, in the beginning of your report, that, among the acute effects,
losses of weight were generally observed, in spite of good appetite. You added

that the affected individuals had ingested some contaminated material. Your

Select target paragraph3