An sn vironmental Imvact Study, Including
rlecots Upon The Health; Sccial, Educational And

And Self-sufficiency Of The People Of Bikini -

tt dohnson socks of a "comprehensive resettlement program"


u2h a program had to protect the health ("removing

a7 remaining sources of radiological contamination"), promote the
economic advancement 2nd self-sufficiency ("clearing the land and.


tting it to erors which sustain human life and which will provide
@ s2urcee of inceme"™) and promote social and educational advancement
("raw homes and new community facilities must be built") for the

SEPA 22115 For creparation of an environmental impact

statement Say emohasizes throughout that healthl? and economicl3

-“-. Pundamentel curpose of NEPA is to "stimulate the health
ani welfare of man."
42 U.S.C. § 4321. -The Act declares a Federal
toliay to ". . .
use 311 practicable means and measures. .. to
fos tear and promote the zeneral welfare, to create and maintain
eccxtitions under whieh man and nature can exist in productive






§ +231l(a).

NEPA, Congress 21s0 recognizes that "each person should enjoy
ful environment. . .", § 4331(c¢), and acknowledges "the continuing


of tne rederal Government to use

ali practicable means.


<tc imtreve ana ocerdinate Federal plans. . ." so "tne Nation may:" * * *#
"(Z*‘ sssume@ for all Americans safe, healthful, productive, and

es ine tically and eultur2lly pleasing surroundings" and "(3) attain
tne videst renze of cenePFicial uses of the environment without.
risk tf nealth or safety. . ."
§ 4331(b) .


-=NEPA declares 2 national policy to "encourage productive. ..
marmony beiween men and his environment. . ." and "promcte efforts
which will. . . stimulate the. . . welfare of man."
42 U.S.C.

= -2t2L.

(It #1839 declares a Federal policy to ".


. use all practicable

mierns and messuzmes, ineluding financial and technical assistance in a
manner c2l2ulated uc Zoster and promote the general welfare, ts
2rttte and maintain cenaditions under which man and nature can exist
“itive marciny, end Fulfill the social, eccensamic, and other







[Po rrasent

and future generations

of imericans.”


235 2 it Bl.unovledges tne Federal Government's "continuing
lity. . . 70 use all practicable means. . . to improve and

Faderel plans. . . and resources
(7) assure for all Americans. .



to the end that the Nation
. productive. ..

2trein the widest pange of beneritisl uses of the

gohteve a balance batween potulation and resourcts

will cerrit aLen standards a living ani 2a
fT 4321fs3


widge sharing of



Select target paragraph3