ds mreat esoncern about exposure to physical harm to themselves,
or future generations,

from exposur2 to excessive radiation.

Nor do any of them look forvard to a life or near-starvation
or deprivation.
Even with the most assiduous and trustworthy assistance
and information, the decision concerning a return to Bikini
could be a most difficult one, involving a delicate balancing
of crucial values.

Unfortunately, because of the previous

eonllicting statements and actions of the defendants in
connection with the Bikini resettlement program, it is very

hara for the veorle of Blxint t
hear from she defendants.

Dilace confidence in what they

It is therefore impossible for them

now to mans an intelligent Judgment as to whether they should
return te 3inxinti.
The veople of Eikini now seek assistance from the United
States, whose seienzirie,

technical and economic capabilities were

employed 29 rencer their tiny avoil uninhabitable for some
thirty yeers.

They 2askx that the United States, wnich has assumed

full governmental tovers and resconsibilities toward them, use
the effect of, the destruction it
ns pronptliy to do all that is reasonably possible
dil once agatn a nealthful and productive solace

Lastiv, while these steps are teing taken and after they
ar2 sumpletes, the veiple want at nll times to te apprise, in


tle fesnicon, of risks to them and their


Select target paragraph3