
The developments of the past several months,

including the meeting at Livermore, California, August 12,
1975, and the interagency meeting at Washington, D.C.
September 19, 1975, indicate that while the Defendant agencies
are continuing to fail to comply with the requirements of
NEPA and are continuing to perpetrate irreparable harm upon

the People of Bikini by their failure to move forward with
the Bikini Resettlement, they are not failing to spend

substantial sums of money, both within their agencies and by
contract, all supposedly directed toward advancing the
Bikini Resettlement.
The collapse of the Bikini Resettlement represents
a classic case of bureaucratic dysfunction.

Money is still

being spent; meetings are still being held; bureaucrats continue to fly all over the northern hemisphere on government

expense accounts, but nothing is being done about the People
of Bikini.
Spending hundreds of thousands, if not millions of
dollars on a major federal action without any attempt at conpliance with the requirements of NEPA is not only wasteful,

it is also illegal.
The only avenue open to Plaintiffs to insure that
the money which has been appropriated for the Bikini Resettlement is spent toward that end is to request that this Court
use its power under NEPA to halt further intraazency, inter-

zztenev and contract spending on the Bikini Resectlerent until
..con time as the Defendant agencies show that the —onev thev
“ish to spend is to be spent in compliance with YEP and
“<Lehout continuing Lrreparable harm to the People of Bikini.

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Select target paragraph3