survey was conducted.


All parties concede the need for a

Until the survey has started, irreparable harm will

continue and there will be a continuing failure to begin
even minimal compliance with NEPA requirements.
This Court should order the several government
agency Defendants to quit passing the buck and get on with

the job of completing an aerial radiological survey of
Bikini and such other Northern Marshall's Atolls as are
necessary to draw valid conclusions as to the risks of
radiation posed by the Bikini Resettlement and so that the

irreparable injury to which the People of Bikini have been
subjected can come to an end at the earliest possible date
and so that all of the agency Defendants can come into
compliance with requirements of NEPA at the earliest possible
It is requested that this Court order the several

agencies to commence actual onsite aerial radiological
surveillance no later than 30 days after the date the preliminary injunction is issued and order that the aerial
radiological survey be completed no later than 120 days
after the date of the Court's order.


As stated above, the People of Bikini have utterly

lost faith in the conclusions which have been expressed to
canem by first AEC then ERDA.
virn which they,

They cannot make decisions

as a community,

are satisfied,

unless thev

have coniidence in the sclentizic advice upon which those
cecisions must be based.

Furthermore, compliance with NEPA

requires an ability for analysis of technical cata independent



Select target paragraph3