teriods of time, with a requirement that =RDA furnish technical

assistance anc facilities for the examinations which must be
made, including its vessel Liktanur.

ERDA should be ordered

to contract with the scientific personnel approved by the
Court to carry out the examinations and, where indicated,

Arrangements for these examinations should be
implemented with maximum possible speed in order that such
treatment as may be indicated of the exposed persons can be
commenced aS soon as possible.

The Court should order ERDA

to contract with scientific personnel to make the examinations

in not nore than five days after the date of the entry of
the preliminary injunction order and should order that the
vessel Liktanur depart from its base at Kwajelein Atoll for
Sikini Island not more than 10 days after the date of entry

of che preliminary injunction.

The Court should further

order that the Department of Defense, which maintains extensive
logistical support facilities at the Kwajelein Missile Range
provide all necessary support personnel and equiprent for

carrying out examinations of the persons at Bikini Island as
rromptly as possible.


Departmenz of Interior,

as the egency specifically

charged with responsibility for administration of the Trust
grritory, cannot realistically be expeccad to cease communiions with any of the citizens of tilercnesia.

has no runecticnal need to communic2i2 on an otficial
with anv of in



ERDA, how-

citizens of the Trust Territory.

Cfficial communication by representatives of first AEC and


Select target paragraph3