
. .,.
Oran armij ro remarofi bwelen mii jen cancer
iumin yib kein 30 rej itoh emaroil hlnlok
kin jorlan in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


0.3 Iokii~n


. ...;...
. . . . . .,


. .. .



cd People who mighf die born cancer during [he next
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

from 0,3 to 1

Melelem bwe elafie enai wor 24 armij remij ilo yifr kein
30 iman jen iabrewfit cancer ijellokin carmer ko rei walok
jen radhtion eo ej walok jen atomic bomb, errraarotlbar
kobatok 0.3 fih 1 eo ej mij jen cancer ko rej walok jen
radiation eo ej walok ien atomic bomb.


thai if there would be 24 people dia within the nesr 30 yeara
from any cancer other than that caused by radiation left from atomic
bombs, there might be an additional
0.3 to 1 who die from cancer that is
caused by racfiatlon Iaft from atomic bombs.

. .

Jofian Itullokin ajiri ro remarofl bwelen Iotaktok kin
nafiinmij ak trtamwe ilo yi(i kein 30 rej itok . . . . . . . . . .’ . . . . . . . . 0.8.
~c possible incfease of children born tith health defects

... .. ...... .


.. ......’ ...
. . . . . . ... .

.: ...:,. ,.
. . ..

lhc nesl 30 years

Melelen, bwe elahe enai wor 140 ajiri ro rei Iotaktok kin
natiinmij ak utamwe walok jen jabrewbt un ko iiellokin
radiation eo ej walok jen atomic bomb ilo yirl kein
30 iman, emaroil bar kobatok 0.8 eo ei Iotaktok kin
naninmij ak utamwe walok jen radiation ao e!j walok jen

atomic bomb.
Tlis means that if thefe wera 140 children boin with hea}[h defects
occurring from an cause other than radiation left from atomic bombs,
the nesl 3
ears, there migh! be an additional
0.8 children bom
with defects cause‘J by radiation Ieh from atomic bombs.

. . . .. ........
. . . . ..
. ... ...

Select target paragraph3