
Bullock #1
0.550 gm sample.

29,100 cpm on 19 June

40% eff. counter

Activity in thyroid on 19 June, 0.06 po/gn
Activity in ll ga thyroid at death, 1.0 pee
If exposure occurred at shot 9, the rate of intake of re at 3.5 hrs was:

R (t) = 186 x q8 (0.017) # 0.81 pe per day.
Dose to the thyroid from shot 9 1271,

Des 4g (203) = 52 rep

Corry #5.

Shot 9 1131; p = 52 x 38300 = 69 rep

Bullock #3.

Shot 9 I71; pw» 52x392

Webster #3,


shot 911; 252x999

2 34 rep

= 21 rep

Three cther animals with lower activities were listed.
If one assumes that these animals ingested and retained the other iso-

topes in the same proportions as calculated for the Hiko - Cedar City animals,
one may estimate total thyroid doses, bone concentration of other isotopes,

fission product beta dose to the gut wall and external exposure.

This would

apply to Shot 9 which is assumed to have produced all the activity detected
in the thyroids.

These results together with the total for the Hiko - Cedar

City animals are summed up below,

If the animals whose samples were counted

here also received another exposure from an earlier shot or if these qi31
activities themselves resulted from an earlier shot it would materially in-

erease the dose estimates.

It 1s not known whether this occurred, but the

condition of the tissues observed here seems to imply higher doses and con-

centrations than would have resulted from Shot 9 alone.

If a Shot 2 - Shot 9

exposure occurred with a ratio of fall-out intensity similar to that for the



Select target paragraph3