be YO, a, = 7059 210? day? Ay = 06255 day?
a, = Q23 nr. 21073 iu, = 267210-5
Since exoretion is greater than 500 days half life, it my be neglected
for the tines here involved. Then

a= pot,(oy-6A2*y
ani for the sane tines as before, for Shot 9,

a = 20083 196 (2667 x 107) (~308 # 271)
= 1.7 x20" ya in 27 dayse Negligible for both shote.

This ta the uptake of Y° fram outsides But in addition the or,
which ia about 65 tines as strongly concentrated in the bone, liberates

Y”" there as zentioned. ‘The deposition comurs within the first few days.

Yeglecting axeretdon, the concentration af Y* due to this process 4s

given byt

5. 2,
a “Aa! “Aya

are t (ohtoth, * At + Aah)

Which results in

td sale - papa Ord te


Ant @ A,

+ Alt

At ym Ay

a 21.713

ky ® 06651


dy = 3eb7 2107 Bo 93
Ay = Oothze

tines as before

eoeceeeoeesresesccec sll0)

Select target paragraph3