dee tk

of an 1? atom trom intestinal tract to thyroid is 2.4 hrs. To allow for
both the above cireumstances, one mush use two exponentials in the expression

for A,(t) given in ref. (3) and sultaply Aj(t) by 4 in equation 2, Again
using equation 3 with these modifications, (with A(r + b) = Ay # A, here
and not 2n,)

E = 0.7 lev

K, 0 365
ty « O.15d

K = 0,058

4° 0.216

Ky m 0.0416

ho * 6693


A, * 060855

as before

to m 270

For Shot 9:

De 3y(106}0.058L-04216(0415)

+ epee


#0 - 0)

~6693(0.15) -

-0 +0)

= 280 - 2 = rep
For Shot 2:

D = 13.4(260) = 3700
These latter dosages all occur within short tines, of the order of a week
or leas, ard leave no ed idence in the form of lingering activity.

We can

only estimate them on the basis of the relative amounts of the various
isotopes in the fission products present at any time.

Again, an error of

113 may also be present due to lingering Shot 2 ysl activity in the samples,




Select target paragraph3