A, A‘

are the gamma exposure rate levels as a function of distance

along the fallout hotline for an +1 hour reference time (R/hr)
6, Q'

are the directional shears in the fallout hodograph from the

surface to the top of the radioactive cloud (degrees)

h, h!

are the radioactive cloud depths (feet)

Vv, v'

are the resultant mean transport speeds fram the surface to an

appropriate altitudein the radioactive doud (mph)
ft, f'

are the fallout fractions (%)

Y, ¥'

are the fission or fission equivalent yields of the nuclear

devices (xt )
the exposure rate level (A'), when computed, is applicable at the downwind

X' = «(2\(2)


(Eq II)


xX, xX!

are downwind distances along the fallout hotline (statute miles)

h, h' and V, V' are defined as in Eq I above.


Eq II is reversed

in practice to solve for X rather than X' thereby facilitating computational

The unprimed quantities are obtained for the analog event by an analysis
of observed exposure rate levels, meteorological conditions, and radioactive

cloud dimensions.

All yield information is obtained from the nuclear

laboratory executing the detonation.

If a reliable method of predicting the

fallout fraction f' were available the value of this parameter could be a


Estimates of f' for cratering experiments can be made, however,

Select target paragraph3