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During the 1957 PLUMBOB and 1958 NARDTACK II series at

the Nevada lest Site a number of small yield nuclear devices were detonnted
at the bottom of drilled holes.

In contrast to the stemming practices of

today these holes only contained one or more cement plugs between the

device and the ground surface.

Four of these events, PASCAL A, OTERO,

BERNALILLO, and VALENCIA had senled depths of burial ranging from 3800 pes
to 1360 wl3.

(Use of scaled depth may not be strictly appropriate here).

The maximum fraction of the total activity produced by these detonations
which was deposited in the local fallout pattern was about 5.5%.


fractions resulting from accidental ventings of detonations designed for
complete containment, including line of sight and tunnel events, have not

exceeded this number.

(Final determination of the fallout fraction for

BANEBERRY has not as yet been completed).
The occurrence of a massive venting of an underground detonation designed
for complete containment is accidental and unpredictable.

For safety

reasons, therefore, it has been the practice for many years, and currently
is common practice, to assume that for essentially all underground detonations

of this type, a prompt massive venting is credible.

Current fallout

prediction procedures are based upon this assumption.
Current Fallout Prediction Procedures

The currently employed fallout prediction technique was derived by modification
of a method originally developed by the Special Projects Section ,

The original method was based primarily on fallout

tee ee

Weather Bureau, in 1955.

U. 5S.

data from tower shots in Nevada and has been described by Nagler, Machta,
and Pooler (1),

The modification of this method has been reported in detail

by Cluff and Polmer (2) and ite application has been discussed by Mueller (3,
and Morrell (5).
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Select target paragraph3