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Nacler, K. M., L. Machta, and J. F. Pooler, Jr., "A Method of Fallout
Prediction for Tower Bursts at the Nevada Test Site”,

U. S. Weather

Bureau, Washington, D. C., June 1955.

Cluff, F. D. and T. R. Palmer, "A Fallout Sealing Model for the
Prediction of Gross Gamma Dose Rates From Farth Cratering Detonations"”,

unpublished manuscript, ESSA, ARFRO, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1964.

Mueller, H. F., “Local Fallout and Diffusion of Radioactive Material",
Technical Discussions of Off-Site Safety Programs for Underground



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Nuclear Detonations, NVO-40, USAEC, pp. 216-225, 1968.
Mueller, H. F.,

"Meteorological Requirements and Operational Fallout

Prediction Techniques for Plowshare Nuclear Detonations", Procedures
for the Symposium on Public Health Aspects of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear

Explosives, U. S. Public Health Service, S.W.R.H.L., Las Vegas, Nevada,

Avril, 1969.
Morrell, J. R., "The NTS Radiation Prediction Mode1", unpublished
manuscript, NOAA, ARL-Las Vegas, Nevada, 1971.

Knapp, H. A., "Ie131 in Fresh Milk and Human Thyroids Following a
Single Deposition of Nuclear Test: Fallout", USAEC, TID-19266, June 1, 1963.

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