


Enewetak Radiological Survey, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Rept.


Gudiksen, P.H., Jones, D.E., Beck, H.L., McLaughlin, J.£.,
Stuart, T.P., and Lynch, 0.D.7., dr., “External Dose Estimates for

NVO-140, Vol. I-III, Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, 1973.

Future Inhabitants of Enewetak Atoll," Nature 257, 1975.


Gudiksen, P.H. and Crites, T.R., “A Comparison of Gamma-Ray Exposure
Rate Measurements at Bikini Atoll," Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Rept. UCRL-77532, (Nov. 1975).

(GU76 )

Gudiksen, P.H., Crites, T.R., and Robison, W.L., "External Dose
Estimates for Future Bikini Inhabitants," Lawrence Livermore

Laboratory Rept. UCRL-51879, Rev. 1, (Mar. 1976).


Conceptual 8asis for the Determination of Dose Equivalent,

(HA75 )

Hankins, D.£. and Madden, T.W., "Response of the LLL Personnel TLD

International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements Rept.
ICRU 25, Washington, D.C., 1976.

Badge to Penetrating and Nonpenetrating Radiation," UCRL-50007-75-1

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Select target paragraph3