. * . . - * “ay . ’ * e . * . - N Te * e woo Ube - boa - Cf ft oe ce ea * Ltr? Se gaSat You . . ” " . 7 | . 6 as ” WT-923 no: 5 24 leet tomes 74 Sone we et Fa. bese Feet ”- tag net €F . tere 2, can ert“ hoe ae oe“ This document consists of 104 pages 7 No. 175 of 400 copies, Series A 2 “ef, a oes Lege ce | p : ae weport to ine dcloniipic LATeCfOr *- Thea decuziat bes bena Teleesed 2 thy bivisisn af Mitiry L pplication for sylber rized beltbulisa eithin tae Mesaie Ficiferslsyisa. OPERATION CASTLE — FINAL REPORT PROJECT 4.1 Ce Study of Response of Human Beings Accidentally Excased to Significant Fallout Radiation an E g rR a a . by r _ + E. P. Cronkite, Commander, MC, USN ¥. P. Bond, M.D., Ph.D. “y L. E. Browning, Lut. Col., MC, USA W. H. Chapman, Lt., MSC, USN S. H. Cohn, Ph.D, R. A. Conard, Commander, MC, USN C. L. Dunham, M.D. “ ‘7. a \ ogy beh oye ol on wordy yt we XiNE"*N wie 4 ren Ee R. S. Farr, Lt., MC, USM ER W. S. Hall, Commander, MC, USN R. Sharp, Lt. (jg), USN te Ce oP ge Pys"4 \Ve Oa9 4 rey ore N. R. Shulman, 1 m, Lt., Lt, MC, , USN US aeSe Mey) edom oe Arwa Loy Need ne October 1954" et Aye .* a ‘ o! ‘ef ws Ly LY na” SUEY) 7 A SK \& ae Naval Medical Research Institute Sh, en Bethesda, Maryland and . Sg WS mr WWD U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Labowittdry San Francisco, California es ES This material contiins informationaffecting ° the Sa national within Use defense of meaning of the the United, “States isplonage laws Title 18, U.S. C., Sees. RORah94, the transmission of rovelaigt. ol Which in any manner {oO an unauthorizel ” person is pro, hibited by luw, oo, ‘ Lea a wee CONT IDEN TIAL COPTROA bra i ° / TOR bornDEY Ab: Ine DATS : Lege: rn ‘4 : Roe vee ee eeOo, 7 poeeg prem teen TIED Synetenpene oe ws neni DI RETere cee eee ety _ weeee aIELSep ota cue penn mer een aor wap apnea ”