one rad. However, they were careful to point out that their analysis did not exclude the possibility of a curved dose-response relation. The data in their figure five can also be interpreted to suggest a “threshold” at perhaps 50-100 rads, below which cancers would not be in- duced. Perhaps roughly half of the radiation-induced thyroid cancers may appear within thefirst fifteen years (compare values in Ref. 11 with those in Ref. 12), but this fraction is uncertain. There is some experimental evidence that iodine 131 is less effective than X-rays in inducing cancer. Doniach found that the iodine 131 dose had to be about ten times greater than an abrupt dose of X-rays to cause equal effects in adult rats.'* However, adult rats are not infant humans and the relative effectiveness of iodine 131 vs. X-rays in children is yet to be established. Perhaps the iodine 131 exposures in Utah could provide information on this point. The dose-response relation is very difficult to estab- lish at very low doses because the incidence of effects is so very small. Some radiobiologists feel that cancer induction is not proportional to dose, but that a cer- tain “threshold” level must be exceeded before any cancers can be induced. If such a threshold exists and if the doses fall below this level, no induced cancers will appear. It is entirely possible that no cancers will result from the Utah exposures. the lower limit—the number of induced cancers cannot be less than zero! Assumption (B), while between the upper and lower limits, is not necessarily the best esti- mate but it yields reasonable values for planning the experimental search for thyroid cancer. Estimates of the number of radiation-induced thyroid cancers which might appear during the lifespan of the 250 thousand Utah infants for doses of 1.3-10 rads are compared in Table 3 to their expected natural incidence by age fifteen. Similarly, it is instructive to calculate the anticipated number of radiation-induced thyroid cancers which might appear during the lifespans of the 565 infants in Washington County, Utah, exposed to higher thyroid doses (estimated at 120-440 rads*) following the “Harry” shot of 19 May 1953. These estimates are shown in Table 4. TABLE 4 ESTIMATED THYROID CANCERS FOR THE 565 INFANTS NEAR ST. GEORGE IN 1953 ASSUMPTION NUMBER OF CANCERS (A) lodine 131 effect equals X-ray effect (B) Effect equals 1/10 of X-ray effect 2 0.2 {C) High Threshold ASSUMP TION NUMBER OF CANCERS {A) lodine 131 effect equals X-roy effect (B) Effect equals 1/10 of Xeray effect (C) High Threshold 1? - 88 7 - 9 0 ee ee a ee ee ee “NATURAL” INCIDENCE BY 15 YEARS OF AGE 6 Theoretical estimates of the number of radiationinduced thyroid cancers will nowbe calculated for each of the following three assumptions: (A) a linear doseresponse with iodine 131! irradiation equally as effective as X-irradiation, and causing a lifetime incidence of 35 thyroid cancers per million infants each receiving one rad: (B) a linear dose response, but iodine 131 irradiation only one tenth as effective as X-irradiation: and (C) a high threshold. Assumption (A) probably sets an upper Iimit, for it is unlikely that iodine 131 is more effective than X-rays. Assumption (C) certainly sets 9 — 0.9 0 NATURAL" INCIDENCE BY 15 YEARS OF AGE TABLE 3 ESTIMATED THYROID CANCERS FOR THE 250,000 IRRADIATED UTAH INFANTS - 0.01 If the additional doses received before birth and in later childhood had been included, the estimated number of radiation-induced cancers would have been even higher than shown in Tables 3 and 4. DISCUSSION 1) The St. George study has the advantage that the “natural” occurrence of childhood thyroid cancers is extremely unlikely among the 565 infants exposed in 1953. The probability of one natural case is one in one hundred whereas the chance for two natural cases is only one in ten thousand. Thus the observation of any childhood thyroid cancer would seem suggestive of radiation damage, unless it could be shown that other factors render these children exceptionally susceptible. Is it possible that genetic or environmental factors might increase the “natural’’ incidence in this region by a factor of one hundred to ten thousand times greater than for the rest of the USA? I do not know. But I do knowhowto test this hypothesis. Individual estimates should be made of the most probable dose to each St. George child based on source of milk and DOE ARCHIVES Scientist and Citizen