Maj. Gen. Frank A. Camm



SEP 15 1972

increased public awareness and concern for the effects of
low-level radioactivity on the environment and man almost
guarantee that the results, conclusions <nd recommendation
will be subject to close public scrutiny.
NV has assigned the lead technical role for the cleanup to
LLL. However, we believe that it is important to take advantage of the extensive experience in plutonium contamination
in various environmental situations, and the long standing

studies of the biological effects of plutonium, which have
been done at LASL.

We understand that there is to be a meeting at LLL on September 19-20, 1972, to review the draft radiological plan,
and to develop a final plan for the survey. We plan to have
appropriate representatives at the meeting to provide input

and approve the plan. To minimize the possibility of oversights, we recommend that another review of the program be
made after the survey team returns.
Under the authority delegated to this division, I consider
the following to be our responsibilities:

to provide the radiological cleanup criteria and guidelines and the overall exposure criteria for the cleanup


to provide technical advice and assistance to MA on the
adequacy of the survey and cleanup plans; and
to assist BER in making the overall dose assessment based

upon the data obtained from the radiological survey of the

entire atoll.



vy in

Martin B. Biles, Director’

Division of Operational Safety

ce wfencl:
Maj. Gen. E. B. Giller, AGMNS
J. H. Rubin, AGMES
J. R. Totter, Dir., BER
Capt. W. W. Gay, MA

Select target paragraph3