Honorable Olympio T. Borja


AUG 21 1973

Your information as to the relationship of Dr. Conard and the Brookhaven

team to AEC is correct. Dr. Conard is neither an employee nor an official representative of AEC. In view of the desire of the inhabitants

of the Islands to communicate with an AEC representative, I will suggest
that either Mr. Streenan or another representative accompany Dr. Conard's
team during the next medical survey.
With regard to your request for information or advice, please let me
reassure you that AEC staff will cooperate with your Special Committee
to the extent of their capabilities.
I regret the delay in this reply and trust that I have clarified our
position on these matters of mutual interest,

Se o .


Clarence E, Larson

Acting Chairman



Mr. S. 8S. Carpenter, Dept. of Interior

Hon. E. E. Johnston, High Commissioner,
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

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