MRC Department of Clinical Research
University College Hospital Medical School


University Street, London WC1E 6JJ
Medical Research Council

telephone 01 - 387 9300 ext 188

26th March 1973


Dear Senator Borja,
I am most grateful to you for sending me a copy of your

Committee's Report to Congress, which I have read with great

I noticed one apparent error in presentation.

On page

102 it is noted that “One of the Committee's consultants
estimated ... " a 3% increase in radiation, and I take this
to refer to my own report which suggests such a figure,


so, I ought to point out that the following sentence is not
correct since I neither did state that "such a small amount

was not likely to be harmful" nor would consider that there

was evidence on which to make such an assertion, except in
the strictly Limited sense that harmful effects are not

"likely" - i.e. would not occur frequemtly - as a result of

low doses or small increments to a given dose.

It is possible however that this second sentence was

intended to refer to a different consultant since I see that on
page 216 Professor Kumatori’s report states that "However, the

amount of fallout /due to the following test/ was not so much
to injure them".

This point clearly requires no formal correction since
my statement is evident from my report, but I thought you would
wish just to have a note of it.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,






C4 am? —

"¢ Le Dane

E. Eric

Senator Olympio T. Borja
Congress of Micronesia

Mariana Islands 96950.




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