Dr. Conard and Brookhaven National Laboratory

We recommended that:

The BNL team should ask permission to conduct the survey, and not

simply come without being invited.

We understand that Dr. Conard has in the past written to the people of
Utirik and Rongelap explainingabout their examinations and indicating
that they will come again.


Dr. Conard should ask to have island meetings to explain results from

the last examination and to answer questions.
Dr. Conard has advised us this will be done.


During such a meeting

have a party.

Dr. Conard should ask if the people want to

We believe that the people might perhaps like to contribute

local food, if Dr. Conard brings such things as chicken and pigs so that

there will be enough food for everyone.
Dr. Conard said that this will be done.


We recommended that Dr. Conard study carefully the recommendations made

by the four Doctors, Kumatori, Ezaki, Pochin, and Cole.
Dr. Conard has done this and may conduct a special study recommended by one
of the doctors.


We recommended that Dr. Conard give each person examined a written

statement in Marshallese of their general findings.
This has been done.


Select target paragraph3