receive additional money from the AEC,

When asked if there was

anything else they wanted to tell the Committee, the respondents
requested the following:

free transportation to hospitals; food

during the examination; their old houses should be rehabilitated or
new ones built; new water catchments should be constructed; compensation should be settled and compensation should be given for pigs, land,
and medical examinations.

Some 68 people from Utirik filled out questionaires and their answers-despite their different exposure--generally followed that pattern of
the Rongelapese,

For example, to the question "When you get sick,

what do you think about?”

54 of the 68 responded "the bomb," and when

asked if they knew of someone who died as a result of the bomb, 42

people answered with the following names:

Bila, Nili, Sarah, Obet,

Anexsay, Liblilla, Neila, Marg, Navmi, Arbella, Tien, Anjain, Higishi
and Lekoj.

The question if they knew of people who got sick from the

bomb included the name of Nellie, who, according to Dr, Conard did
not receive her thyroid cancer from fallout.

Furthermore, many of the

names of people who were listed as sick from the bomb, also were included
in those who died from the bomb,

Lastly, some 82 Rongelapese and

Utirikese not exposed to the bomb filled out questionnaires, and their
answers follow those of the exposed people with regard to many areas,
Fifty unexposed people claim that they felt sick after returning to
their island, 41 people think of the bomb when they get sick, 59 worry
about getting sick in the future, and 63 worry that their children might
get sick from the bomb in the future.

An amazing 72 people of 82 said






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