Public Law 40-33 which was enacted by the Congress of Micronesia during
the Second Regular Session of the Fourth Congress spelled out two gen-

eral areas or mandates for the Committee to work on and study.

"To insure that (the people of Rongelap and Utirik Atolls) should

receive the best medical treatment available (and to this end) shall
attempt to secure any and all medical assistance and aid for the people...
from whatever source possible, and

"...that these people should also receive compensation for the

injuries which they have suffered (and to this end the Committee) shall

attempt to obtain compensation for the people of Rongelap and Utirik

Atolls for the injuries they have suffered due to exposure to irradiation."
The first part of the Committee's mandate was fulfilled by submission
of "A Report on Rongelap and Utirik to the Congress of Micronesia, Medical
Aspects of the Incident of March 1, 1954 by the Special Joint Committee
Concerning Rongelap and Utirik Atolls", and also by the recommendations
which it contained.

The report detailed the subject incident and other

related information.

Also, through the efforts of the Committee, four.

special medical consultants from Japan, Great Britain, and the United
States participated in the 1973 examination and submitted their generally
positive findings to the Committee.

The intent of P.L. 4C-33 was extended by House Joint Resolution No. 73
as adopted by the First Regular Session of the Fifth Congress of Micronesia,
and allowed the Committee the time to prepare this report on Compensation.

Regarding this area, the Committee wishes to note that at the time of the
writing of this report, negotiations were continuing between the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and the Atomic Energy Commission to bring about

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