function blood tests and thyroid examinations
by a specialist in endocrinology or thyroid
surgery. Othertests are performed on a regular
basis in an attempt at early detection of malignant nonthyroidallesions. Thereis also ongoing
monitoring for clinical evidence of immune
competence, for exposed persons may be at
increased risk for unusual manifestations of
infectious diseases.
Medical examinationsand services performed
during this three-year reporting period were
conducted primarily aboard the Liktanur I] and
the Liktanur III, vessels chartered from US.
Oceanography. Exceptions, as in the past,
included the use of Brookhaven National Laboratory facilities on Ebeye and, when necessary,
Marshallese medical dispensaries on Rongelap,
Utirik, and Mejato. Laboratory support during
the medical missions is provided by several
technicians. Routine blood countsare performed
ona J.T. Baker 5000 electronic particle counter
and sizer. Leukocyte differentials and phase
contrast platelet counts are part of each hemogram. A variety of nonhematologicaltesting services is provided, including bacteriology, stool
examination, and urine testing. In the past a
battery of manual clinical chemistry tests was
carried out using commercial spectrophotometric kits. Recently, however, Eastman-Kodak’s
DT-60 and DTSC analyzers were added to
increase the variety of chemistry tests available
in the field and to improve the turn-around time
for results; this has significantly improved
laboratory operation. Fortunately, there have
been few problems associated with transport,
operation, and handling of the new equipment
on board ship, even during bad weather. A
BeckmanElectrolyte 2 analyzer is used to measure sodium and potassium in serum and urine.
Roentgenographic services are performed with
a Bennett standard x-ray unit and mammography unit, both of which are contained in a
separate module on the deck of the ship. Serum
is usually collected from most examinees and
frozen for subsequent testing. Referral laboratories have included Bio-Science Laboratories and
Accupath in Honolulu for special chemistries

and serologies; Pathologists’ Laboratories, Inc.,

Honolulu, for Papanicolaou smears and other
cytology; Brookhaven National Laboratory's
clinical laboratory for general chemistry and
alpha fetoprotein analysis; Hazelton Biotech-

nologies Co., Vienna, VA, for hormone assays;
Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center(Dr:
A. B. Schneider, Department of Endocrinology
and Metabolism), Chicago, for thyroglobulin
analysis; Medical Microbiology Division, University of California, Irvine, for chlamydia culture
and serology; and the Eugene L. Saenger Radioisotope Laboratory, University of Cincinnati, for
antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin antibody
testing (Dr. Harry Maxon).
The Marshall Islands Medical Program is
deeply indebted to the many outstanding physicians who, despite the inevitable personal
inconvenience, participated in the medical team
visits of 1985-1987. It is fair to say that they are
the heart of the program. Drawn from excellent
medical centers throughout the United States
and from private practices, these physicians
providethe program with a wide rangeof up-todate clinical experience and perspective that
contribute to better patient care. The physicians
involved in the 1985-1987 missions arelisted in
Appendix A, and represent the following medical specialties:
Internal Medicine
Infectious Disease
Obstetrics /Gynecology
Family Practice

Allergy /Immunology
Pediatric Dentistry

The participation of many excellent medical
specialists undoubtedly has been a majorfactor
in the acceptance of the Marshall Islands Medical Program by the population it serves. The
percentof persons in the exposed and Comparison groups who appearfor the voluntary examinations remains high. For the current reporting
period the annual acceptance rates were:




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