PROPERTY ITEMS ras ( ects) DISTILIA TLIATION mr - Cleaver-Broaks, 200 GPH, model 5-200-DHM, ARC Noe DI-298. Reproduced from the holdings of the National Archives Pacific Southwest Region COMPRESSOR ~ General Compressor, 2 CFM, type Anlio,, mode, GnAH~2, AEG Noe CO-162. CHLORINATOR ~ Cheu-0-Feeder, model 402-513, AEC Nos DI-295. Centrifugal, electrical, 34 GPM, salt water, with 1} HP, 19 motor, S/N 635A-547-2, AEC Nos PU-313. - Centrifugal, 34 GPM, salt water, with gasoline engine, S/N D-6807, AEC No. PU-355~ Aeid, 24 GPM, acid, with 3/, HP, 1f motar, S/N 3372, AEC Hoe PU-412. Centrifugal, 10 GPM, fresh water, with 3/4 HP, 1f motor, S/N 242134, AEC Noe PU-351. Contrifugel, 10 GPM, frash water, with gasoline engine, S/N 12545~6, AEC Noe PU-382. GENERATORS ~ Delco, diesel electric, 208 V, 60 CY, 3f, 60 KW, model X=568, AEC Nos. 6-493, 494 (Two). REFRIGERATOR ~ General Electric, domestic, 8 CF, model IBSIR-B12, AEC Nos R-SA2~ REFRIGERATOR = Gibson, 12 CF, model GP=1228, AEC Nos R410. REFRIGERATOR ~ Fredrich, 30 OF, S/N US-308-49, AEC No. R-397. REFRIGERATOR ~ Hussmann, 150 GF, walk-in, S/W 659406, AEC Noe R-486~ DEEP FREEZER - Gibson, 19.5 CF, model HF-22, AEC Noe R413. PROJECTOR - ReCeA., movie, Iémm, model 400, AEC Noy CA-1516.