The Honorable Edward E. Johnston

in the etiology.


September 17, 1969

On the other hand the malignancy noted in the Utirik woman

could well be a spontaneous case not related to radiation exposure in view

of the very low dose of radiation that the people on that island received.

I might add parenthetically that this case may well increase some of the

unrest in the Utirik people related to their not receiving any compensation
In view of these findings the forthcoming surveys of the Rongelap and
Utirik people will be of particular importance with obvious emphasis on
thyroid examinations.
JI will be writing you before long concerning detailed
planning of the next survey.

Robert A. Conard, M.D.
RAC: jr

Mrs. E. P. Farrington
Dr. John Totter
Dr. William Peck
Mr. William Bonnet~~




Dr. E. P. Cronkite

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