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He referred to the "isotope farm" which had been started five years
ago at ANL to prepare biosynthetically the drugs that would be used,


labelled compounds were now available » but the interest of the drug

companies and physicians had been slight,

Medical research with isotopes

seemed to have been so strongly oriented toward the field of pathological
ailments that the possibilities for these practical diagnostic applica=tions had received little attention.

However he felt physiciens would be

interested if someone would develop the instruments and techniques.


Libby mentioned that ‘some degree of interest had been shown in the

products of the isotope farm by Lilly, Abbott, and the American Tobacco
Company, the latter for research purposes.)
Dr. Libby proposed that the Commission get behind this field of
isotope applications and push it.
those from atomic power.

The benefits might ‘be comparable to -

He suggested that Dr. Manov, of the Office of

Industrial Development, be ‘encouraged to catalyze interest in the field .
and to get companies to make instruments available.
There were various questions, particularly as to the reasons. for
thirking that clinical applications would have such widespread importance
As examples, Dr, Libby mentioned:

the determination of blood volumes wit!

tritium compounds {the results might differ, in a significant way, from
those determined with sodium); the possible use ‘of labelled sugar for the

diagnosis of diabetes.



Dr. Wigner remarked that Dr. Libby's personal enthusiasm might be th
best agent for kindling interest in the medical profession.

Dr. Rabi

said that the Commission might consider collaborating with the National

Institutes of Health in orderto° BeyetOPthe right kind of instruments.

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