
Page2__of telegram to___________AMEMBASSY

$2 million perhaps too high somthing between $1 and $2 million might be satis-

factory although anything over §1 million may require action by Congress which

could lead to bad reaction US public opinion, Press report Jkazeki paid Japanese
Government requesting $6 million resulted from misinterpreiation what he said to
Japanese press representatives here.
Okazaki referred to "misunderstaniing® over Japan's 1) percent reduction in

defense expenditures and said he had written Allison official letter to explain.

Sssured Robertson cut dees not affect program for increase Japanese forces JFY5h,
and is related only to items vhich Japan will purchase in Japmese economy and

which can be purchased for about 10 percent less as result reduced prices in Jaman,
No (repeat no) comment mde.

Expect subject will be discussed lere later,


ing possible increase Japanese forces JFY55, Okezaki said while Minister Finance
wanted finance whole cost through reduction J ‘panese contribution US forces he ine
tended urge some reduction contribution U& forces coupled with increase in Japanese
defense appropriations,

Regarding war criminals, Okazaki said they growing restless andhave sympathy
all Japanese people, including prison police,

Difficulties avoided by hope of

ultimte release although situation potentially difficult. /erstippine md Nationalist
China grant amnesty all war criminals under their jurisdiction,

Yoshida will probably

bring up this problem although Japanese Governmert recognizes US doing better than
British and Dutch since prisoners being paroled under ow system although not as

fast as Japanese Government and people desire,

Robertson said our Board of Clemency

and Parole working hard on problem and we want expedite process without destroying
whole basis for. trialss Fur ther important consideration need parallel closely

Select target paragraph3