

Summary of Cleanup

ll. Mike (Enojebi)

Same as Jig

le. Nan (Eneu)

Range 5-40 uR/hr.

No radioactive scrap

was found.

13. Oboe-Peter-Roger
(Aeroko j-AerokojlolBikdrin)

Range 5-10 uR/hr.

No radioactive scrap

found on islands.

Some on reef near

14, Sugar-Tare

Range 10-800 uR/yr.

Radioactive scrap in

Range 10-300 uR/hr.

All radioactive

15. Unele (Enidrik)

causeway was removed and disposed of at

excess of 100 uR/hr disposed of at sea.
Two large collimators less than 100 uR/hr
buried on land (Tare).

scrap buried at sea.

16. Victor (Lukoj)

Range 10-180 uR/hr.

No radioactive scrap

17. William (Jelete)

Range 10-150 uR/hr.

No radioactive scrap

was found.

18. Yoke (Adrikan)

Range 5-50 uR/hr.

No radioactive scrap

19. Zebra (Oroken)

Range 5-30 uR/hr.

No radioactive scrap

20. Charlie-Dog Reef

Structure #1. A few structures, awash at
high tide, ranging from 100-500 uR/hr.
Remainder was negligible.
Structure #2 and #3.

less than 10 uR/hr.

All readings were

Select target paragraph3