on the first two ebots,

’ 2.3.5 Rocket Developmert,

The project cloud sampling rocket (see

Section 2.2.1) was a new one of complex design,

The main motor had

been used previously on the ASP (etmospheric sounding projectile) znd
the sustainer motor on the RTV (reentry test vehicle), but the nese cone
and zasociited equipment had not been used 2s a component of a rocket

Development work ¢na similiar sampling device kad been done

during Operation Plumbbob, and at the end cf the cperation a satisfactory
unit for land recovery kad evolved.

After Plymbbob, Project 21.3, Task

Unit 2, was set up for the purpose of developing a sea recovery version

of the rocket fer Operation Hardtack,

When Project 2.2 was established,

the existing rocket contracts were exterded to provide additional units
for use on this program,

Because of the experimental nature cf the

rocket, the sponsors cf this work, UCRL, assessed the probzbility of

ebtaining any rocket data as being of the order of 50%,
The development problems were the reepensibility ef Preject 21.3,
but a review of their work at the Exiwetok Proving Grounds is of interest

since a large portion cf Project 2.8 was directly depandent cn the evailebility of 2 suiteble rocket-borre clcud sempler.

This review will also

serve to previde an explanztion cf the circumstzncez which led to the

cancellation of the rocket experiment pricr to Shot Ozk,


Select target paragraph3