


dose was continuing to rise at the rate of 50 mr. /min, and the radiological

advisor aboard decided to disontinue the mission and return to base.


standby aircraft took off and was flown toa point on a bearing of 330 degrees
ata distance of 120 miles from surface zero.

AH #/ 8 hours the aircraft

searched on course 225 degrees, but no fallout was encountered,


H # 10 hours the active fallout area was reentered at bearing 283 degrees,
140 miles from surface zero, 2nd a sample taken.

At H / 13 hours a third

sample was collected at bearing 278 degrees, 150 miles from surface zero,


Oak Event.

There was no rocket participation during Shot Oak.

Circumstances leading to the discontinustion of the rocket sampling portion

of the project are outlined in Section 2,3.5 and Appendix A.

5 samples were taken from the cloud by B-57D aircraft between 2 and
26 hours post shot time (see Tables BS & B6).

Both the wing tank and

coincident samplers were operative on all flights,
A WB-50 aircraft collected samples from the northeastern edge of the

fallout pattern at 4, 6, 8, 10 and 1]-1/2 hours after the detonation,


fallout was encountered ona bearing of 300-310 degrees at 65, 93, 125,

160 and 187 miles from surface zero,

The operation pregressed without

incident, due mainly to the experience gained by the participating personnel

Select target paragraph3