the Congress has authorized the expenditure of $5 million a year for
a five year period.

In 1956, $1,722,000. has been expended and it is

anticipated that $3 million will be spent in 1957.
& group of persons from Los Angeles had suggested that all the
money be spent in Los Angeles, however, it was the sense of the subgroup that the money should be expended in a great many different arcas
of the United States,

Dr. Shilling brought out that there is a real

opportunity here and that the Committee will have a great deal of money
to spend for contract research in the general area of air pollution.
He suggested that if anvone knows whcre this kind of work can be
conducted, he should contact him or write directly to the Air Pollution

Committee in the Department of Health, Education and Welfre,
Project Sherwood

Dr. A. S, Bishop, Head of the Controlled Thermo-

muclear Branch of the Division of Research briefed the Committee on
the present status of controlled thermonuclear research.

Dr. Bishop

presented some sketches which gave a conceptual picture of what is being
attempted and the approaches that are being used.
The Committee thanked Dr. Bishop for an outstanding presentation
of a complicatcd but fascinating subject.

Notes A complete transcript of Dr. Bishop's remarks is available in
the files of the Division of Biology and Medicine.


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