
lygiene program had been increased from $1,600. to $2,500. per year.
Dr. Dunham brought out that the increase in remuneration might have a
salutary effect in inducing a highcr percentage of acceptance because
the need is getting greater all the time for persons with this type of

special training.
Brookhaven Medical Center

Dr. Dunham advised the Committee that the

bids had been opened for construction of the Brookhaven National
Laboratory Medical Center,
The low bid was slightly under the original cost estimate,


Dunham felt that the staff and the AEC area office at BNL had done a
wonderful job cf planning and designing.
Dr. Bugher commented that fhe thought the BNL staff and the AUI
should be commended on the work that they had done in so carefully
estimating the costs of the Brookhaven Medical Center and the reactor.

JCAE Hearings

Dr. Dunham reported thut che “SAE had been very pleased

withthe hearings on agriculture and mecizine which were conducted under
Dr, Bugher's auspices two years ago and that they had requested that
a follow-up hearing be given this June.

A current program is being

pianned, although on not as large a scale as the previous one.
will be under the guidance of Dr. Aibe:t and Dr, Boss,



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