A conference was held with Dr. Bronk which concerned the possibility of transferring the administration of the ABCC to another authorit;
Dr. Bronk felt that the Acadcmy had a challenge.

They had accepted this

responsibility back in 19h7 by a Presidential directive and it ceuld not
afford from the standpoint of its prestige ana reputation in the ccuntry,
as it were to admit that it was incompetent tc Jo this job properly,
thercforc, he was going to sce that it was cone,

Aftcr this confcrence the following lettcr, cated fpril 25, 1956,
was dispatched to Dr. Bronk which set forth the mutual agreements:

"Dr, Detlev W. Bronk, President

National Acacemy of Sciences
2101 Constitution fverme, N.W,

April 25, 1956

Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Dr, Bronk:

It was a pleasure to meet with you last Thursday and for Mr. Ficlds
and Mr, Tammaro to have an opportunity to discuss with you the very
real problems associated with the opcration of the Atomic Bomb

Casualty Commission,

As we indicated the Atomic Energy Commission's

prime intercst in the ABCC is to assure smocth contimucd cperation of
this program which is so important to science as well as to the prestipe

of the United States,

Sinee 1947 the AEC has invested $10,900,000 in

the program of the ABCC including approximately $900,000 in overhead
to the Academy, Inasmech as the program is of a long~range character,
a further investment in operating costs and facilities substantially
in excess of pricr expenditures must be anticipatcc,.


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