496 Skin aging and hair graying in Hiroshima 498 The effccts of fallout radiation on the skin Conard Hollingsworth, Ishii, Conard Radiation lcukernogenesis: An analysis of the problem Cronkitc, Moloney, Bond Thyroid Injury and Effects on Growth and Development in th cMarshallese Children Accidentally exposed to radioactive fallout WW Sutow, RA conard, KI! Thompson os Cancer Bull, 34, 90-96, 1962. 1963 Use of a protable whole-body counter to measure internal contamination ina fallout cxpocsd population * Sif Cohn, RA Conard, LA Gusmano, and JS RObertson. Health Physics 9, 15-23, 1963. | 544 “px ee Medical survey of rongelap people cight ycars aller exposure to fallout. ? RA conard, LM Mcyer, WW SUtow, WI, Moloney, A Lowrcy, A Hicking, Li Riklon } LBNL Report 780 (1-296), January 1963. Effects of acute fallout radiation on « Marhsall Island Population IRA COnard | Presented lo the congress of Science on humans June 1963, (BNL 7145) 554 Metabolism offission products in man: Marshallese Experience SH Cohn [AEA Int Symp on Diapnosis and Ircatment of Radioactive Poisoning, | 5-18 Oct 1962. Vicnna. Intcrnational Atomic Fnergy Agency, Austria pp 235-251, 1963. I} long-term CA! tumover in man us measured by a whole-body counter Cohn, RosolT, Gusmano, Spencer 1964 * 625 Farly and jate cytologic effects of whole body irradiation on human marrow Fleidner, Andrews, Conkile, Bond 645 Fallout radiation: Fffects on the skin Conard, Cronkite, Bond In; Atomic Medicine Capt 12, 4th Edition Ed CF Behrens, the Williams and Wilkins Co, baltimore pp 281-302, 1964 Long Term intra oral findings in humans after exposurc to total body irradiation from sudden radioactive fallout. | Five vears nost-detonation stiudics 9005992