| CronkiteApril 1956 Some effects of ii onizing radiation on human beings. A report on the Marshalleseand . Amencans accidentally exposcd to radiation trom fallout and a discussion of radiation|ons iajery in the human being ae Cronkite,Bond, Dunham USAFC TID 5358 July 1956 Superintendent of documents, US Govt., printing office, Wash 25 DC wt Naval Med ResInst, Naval Radiol Defense Lab and Brookhaven National Lab,ae 7 als | ; oo 114, p. |2month past exposure survey on Marshalicse exposed to Fallout radiation 135 Cronkitc, Dunham, Gnffin, McPherson, Woodward BNI. 384 (1-71) August 1955 ~ x! Vv OO Medical Survey ofthe Marshallese ‘Two Years After Exposure to Fallout Radiationss RA Conard, CL Higgins, A Lowery, JI3 Richards BNL Report 412 (¥-80), march 1956, JAMA 164 (11), 1192-1197, 1957 | ‘Measurements of Some Residents of the Marshallese Sands CL Miller, OF Steingraher Semiannual Report, Jan-Junc, 1957, Radiological PhysicsDivision, Argonne NatLab ANL 5755, pp 5357,» 1957. V = summary of the Data form the2 Radiological Survey and Medical Examination. = GM Dunning,cd LN . US Atomic Fnergy Commission pp 45-51, 1957. 156 The influence of exposurc geometryon the pattern of radiation dose delivered to large animal phantoms Bond, Cronkite, Sondhaus, Imiric, Robertson, Borg Rud Res 6 No “a 954-572 (May) 1957. 186 iluman radiation i| njury diagnosis therapy and prognosis oe Cronkite Proc 6th [nil cong of the Int! socicty of hematology 10/26/86 Boston Nucleonics section, 265-272, published 1958 we + oe 190 . Ct ~ | ee, “March 1957 medicalsurvey of rongclap and Utirik people 3 years after exposureto\ radioactive fallout Conard ct all BNI. $01,T-TT9) June 1958 ‘The Determination of internally Deposited Radioactive Isotopes in the Marshallese People by Lixcrction Analysis. gi RA Conard 2 “a, coLe * Fallont From Nucicar Weanons Test Hearing 86th coner Ist Session Mav 5-7/and oat: } a Sy. C G¢t ivr CTH L146 ) —5g059N9. aa To, Le Te Ale : , ": . * se ‘ ro be ls iz z une * : . Botte N wre “aye ae . fo.ei